This blog uses a plain white background to allow the photographs to stand out.
Click on photographs to view them in a lightbox.


There are a few guidelines you need to keep in mind before joining as a contributor.

  1. Contributors are reviewed manually. Hence, please treat the registration form seriously.
  2. There shall be strictly no inappropriate content (adult content, spam etc) on this blog. If identified, the contributor will be removed immediately.
  3. Once you join, you are not obliged to post frequently. However, if you are inactive (i.e. you have not posted) for four months, you will be informed via email and removed. You may request to re-join.
  4. If you have a photoblog, it will be listed on this blog unless you request otherwise.
  5. You will automatically join the mailing list, but you may opt out later.
Please fill out the registration form below, and you will be contacted in a few days' time. Thank you very much for your interest!