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PhotoGlobo: a project - where photographers gather to display the beauty of the world
It's a fact: our dear earth is getting destroyed by our very own hands. This planet, once rich in everything we need, is getting increasing exhausted by the day. We are losing more and more. 
Some say that photographs freeze memories and preserve them. It's true - since photography was invented this was its key purpose. But now, with the development of technology, the internet makes photographs do even more. 
People, what you see around you may not be what others see around you. And what you see around you today may not be what you can see tomorrow. Hence, pick up your camera, take a picture of it, and post it here, be it a place, an event, or a landscape. Share it with the world, and preserve it, for tomorrow, it may not be there again for you or for others.
PhotoGlobo is a photography-based project which provides a platform for photographers from all over the world to gather together and share photographs of what they see around them - a place, an event, or a landscape. This project keeps in mind the increasing impact of global warming, where we lose more and more of what's around us, until they eventually disappear. Therefore, it is hoped that as people view and appreciate the works posted on this blog, they would also be reminded of the impacts of the actions of us mankind, and do their part to save our home.

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<a href="">PhotoGlobo: a project</a>

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<a href=""><img src=""></a>

PhotoGlobo is a non-profit project. Thus, this blog will be ad-free.

Thank you for your support!

PhotoGlobo: a project is created by Han Yi, a photograph hobbyist